Practice: leave your phone at home
Having your phone is not a crisis.
Practice: Take long walks
Walking is better than sedentary. “If you’re wearing headphones, you are not really walking.”
But the hardest part of this practice is making the time.
Broaden your definition of “good weather”! You can get big rewards.
Practice: Write letter to yourself
It”s a simple and easy practice to to deploy, but it’s also inscredibly effective.
When you are do nothing, the default work is still working. It seems to be connected to social cognition.
The social animal
We are social animals, but the new digital communication tools made us much larger and much less local, and it has caused problems.
The social media paradox
It’s weird that social media makes you feel both connected and lonely, happy and sad.
Where we want to be cautious…is when the sound of a voice or a cup of coffee with a friend is replaced with ‘likes’ on a post.
Reclaiming conversation
In the philosophy of conversation-centric communcation , connection is downgraded to a logistical role. It’s a supporter.
…text is no longer a sufficient alternatives.
In my opinion, conversation-centric activities need us to outputting instead of receiving information.
Practice: Don’t click “like”
Not only should you stop using the “like” button, but also you need remain silent and sop leaving comments.
Practice: Consolidate texting
The practice of consolidating texting will upgrade the nature of your relationships.
You will not check your text messages occasionally. When other people need you urgently, they can always call you .
Practice: Hold conversation office hours
Like consolidate texting, you can set up a office hours to have a real conversation with other people.