How We Procrastinate


Imaging that we always transform the task to a board before ourself, we can perform well if this board is on the land, but if the board is suspended between two buildings 100 feet above the pavement, then we are fearful to pass it.What's more, we always feel a fire behind ourself.

We always fell in self-criticism so we use procrastinate to put off tasks until the deadline. It's a victim mentality that we think we have to, … ...➔➔➔

Why We Procrastinate

I think the reason I always want to text with others is that maybe I want a connection with others to replace my relatives, but I should fish or cut the bait between the connection with others (the emotion relationship build by my parents) or my self-development.

The story of Dorothy shows that procrastination is the choice between the self-improvement and others jealousy.

I need to unlearn the pattern that my tasks are associated with the mind that I am lazy.

Knowing how you spend


Notes: The Now Habit (1)

Goal: supportive of yourself

The questions about yourself:

1. Obligation.

2. Time (vague terms such as “sometime next week” )

3. Goals and value. (distracted by another plan)

4. Mood, fear.

Conclusion: Our real distress comes from constant anxiety of delaying.

It is important to notice the healing system. But Why we procrastinate? Because we fear a threat to our independence.

The fear of judgment is the key fear that stems from over-identifying who you are.

The critic: You can...➔➔➔