Categorize my blog

The most important decision is changing categories. so I think it is also important to categorize my writings, I improved the classification of my categories in my blog. I can read and found my writing through multi-level categories, classify them and reflect efficiently. I also can discover everything I wrote before through categories, like time traveling, know myself.

June 23, 2019 · Qiran


The most important decision you’ll ever make: Change your categories. A lack of willingness to change your categories is dogmatic, and your categories become chains that restrict your growth. On the other hand, your categories may change so wildly that they become meaningless and without something to anchor you, you fall into an endless abyss. Perhaps, the most important category you’ll construct is one of yourself. Every category you impose one the world is one that you also impose on yourself and you decide if you do or don’t fit into that category. ...

May 22, 2019 · Qiran