Join the Attention Resistance

DAVID AND GOLIATH 2.0 Use your attention intentionally. PRACTICE: DELETE SOCIAL MEDIA FROM YOUR PHONE It actually forces you to approach them with more intention. Practice: Use Social media like a professional Like Jennifer, we need to use Twitter as a professional. Do not surfing it endlessly, just check some accounts you need. PRACTICE: EMBRACE SLOW MEDIA “low information diet”: Eliminating what’s bad aggressively than celebrating what’s good. The writer suspect the European focus on slowness is more likely to succeed in the long run. ...

September 23, 2020 · Qiran

Reclaim Leisure

Leisure and the good life As Aristotle’s lead, joyful activities is a “source of inward joy”. We can call them high-quality leisure. The Bennett principle (FI 2.0 movement is that if you can radically reduce your living expenses, you gain two advantages– you save money at a much faster pace and you don’t have to save as much to become independent.) When you gain FI at a young age, you gain much leisure hours. ...

August 27, 2020 · Qiran

Don’t Click “Like”

Practice: leave your phone at home Having your phone is not a crisis. Practice: Take long walks Walking is better than sedentary. “If you’re wearing headphones, you are not really walking.” But the hardest part of this practice is making the time. Broaden your definition of “good weather”! You can get big rewards. Practice: Write letter to yourself It”s a simple and easy practice to to deploy, but it’s also inscredibly effective. ...

August 12, 2020 · Qiran

A Lopsided Arms Race

WE DIDN’T SIGN UP FOR THIS Smartphones changed our life, but they changed us drastically and no one predicted that. TOBACCO FARMERS IN T-SHIRTS Big tobacco companies emerged, and they are harming us more. Internet addiction is also a big problem. intermittent positive reinforcement: the unknown is always enticing. the drive for social approval Spend time alone Solitude Deprivation We need to be free from input from other thoughts. We need solitude to thrive and make important desicions. ...

July 27, 2020 · Qiran