Whether You Want It or Not…It’s Yours

THE TRUTH IS THAT YOU REALLY ARE IN CONTROL—IN TOTAL CONTROL. You are consciously or unconsciously choosing to be in that lousy job. Taking responsibility means never blaming anyone else for anything you are being, doing, having, or feeling. Taking responsibility means not blaming yourself. Taking responsibility means being aware of where and when you are NOT taking responsibility so that you can eventually change. Taking responsibility means handling the Chatterbox. Taking responsibility means being aware of payoffs that keep you “stuck.” (Don’t think “if only”)

July 27, 2020 · Qiran

From Pain to Power

Pain to power; Helplessness to choice; Depression to Energy; Paralysis to action; It’s a power of love yourself, power of good love. love and power go together. pain+—–+——+power I’m powerful and I am loved. Action is very powerful! Don’t be too serious! (Don’t be as my dad) “I hope” is a pain. You are not a victim, you just need to say “I know”. If you are responsible for your faults, then you can avoid it the next time. ...

June 22, 2020 · Qiran