Chapter 5 Energy 埶篇第五
我之正使敵視之為奇我之奇使敵視之為正正亦為奇奇亦為正. 凡戰者, 以正合, 以奇勝。 In order to secure victory, indirect methods are also important. 戰勢不過奇正, 奇正之變, 不勝窮也。 There are unending series maneuvers derived from 奇 and 正. In a war, we can use so many ways. Why just always think about 正? It’s hard for me to use Zheng, but Qi is also useful. 勢如擴弯, 節如發機。 In this sentence, 勢 equals energy. Release your energy as soon as possible when a war begins. ...