Harm from technology

In my opinion, the real harmful radiation is from the devices in our daily life. When we are using our smartphone or other electronic tools, it’s possible to be exposed to radiation. Some people think the radition from phone is not enough to cause negative effect to our body. I take a sceptical attitude.

August 28, 2023 · Qiran

EP 14 Information quality

In my own opinion, there are three kinds of information in our life. The first one is text, the second is audio, the last one is video. Let’s talk about the first one. The content of texts is based on words. It’s the most abstract form of information. If we are literate, we can understand words, then we can understand road signs, posters, magazines, and books. It’s simplest to save texts for us. It’s also a form that can save the best information quality. But it’s maybe the hardest information to understand. Books contain the deepest information quality. Audio is another kind of information, it’s based on sounds. It’s more natural to us because we can use our ear to understand. But we can’t control the speed of understanding. We probably also receive some useless information. The third one is video. It combines sound and image. We can understand it very well, but it’s more shallow. Normally, information quality of video is not that good. ...

August 22, 2023 · Qiran

EP 6 Plain text

I have used a lot of software to store my notes and data. But gradually I found that although these softwares are very convenient and they offer a lot of good services. They also caused me a lot of trouble in the long run. One important reason is that you cannot export your data freely. I tried a lot of softwares after I decided to write online. Many of them don’t provide good export service. Your files can only be exported to some special formats. What’s more, these files can only be viewed in some special forms. We can probably convert them to other formats we want, but it’s not that easy. Another reason is that I realized that some tools and services could give you a lot of convenience and unique features, but when you get used to it. You are also limited by these tools. Your choice would be less, and it’s also very inconvenient if you want to change your tool. Especially for a person who is always curious about new tools. Technology is a double-edged sword. I always want to find a suitable tool for writing, learning, productivity, etc. But the result is not so good. ...

May 2, 2023 · Qiran

EP 4 AI tool for learning

I’m Qiran. Today, I would like to share with you my understanding of Artificial Intelligence. I gradually realized that AI has already entered my life. Some people may think that AI is very destructive to the lives of ordinary people. But in my opinion, the most distinct characteristic that humans possess and surpass other creatures is the ability to use tools. AI is a very useful tool now, and it would be highly beneficial if we can learn to use it effectively. ...

April 3, 2023 · Qiran


i cannot believe this is actually real pic.twitter.com/zo9pl0bXjU — delian (@zebulgar) <a href="https://twitter.com/zebulgar/status/1620436085376712705?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 31, 2023</a>

February 8, 2023 · Qiran