Introduction 1

Wang Ch’ung displays a liberalism unique. He thik the present is better than the past, same as Ge Hong. Cao Cao, was a competent poet. Cao Pi, 典論論文 蕭統,he accounted for excluding the Classics and historical works from his anthology, because they were not pure literature. 徐陵,玉臺新詠 Cao Pi consider that Qi, is born with us, it cannot be changed by instruction. 陸機 文賦 All external vision and sound are suspended, Perpetual thought itself gropes in time and space; Then, the spirit at full gallop reaches the eight limits of the cosmos, And the mind, self-buoyant, will ever soar to new unsurmountable heights. Through arduous work, we can reach the artistic impulse. Great Void, Profound Silence. ...

May 13, 2020 · Qiran

Questions about Wenxin Diaolong

一、此文中如何理解“气”的美学意义?“气”这个概念为何对于艺术创作来说格外重要? 天地人的世界,不僅遵循著一致性原則,同樣也遵循類比性原則。它是一種主客互攝式的一體式的關係。“傍及萬品,动植皆文……”氣學的解释話語可涵蓋文學活动的各個方面。氣的這種自由出入、實象與虛境化合、包容萬有的質性十分契合藝術活动的本質特征。“神远”與“虛靜”开啓了客體與主體整體融和的一種境界,是中國式的意會體悟的言說方式。氣的一體兩面的特征貫通文學世界與形上世界。 造藝者的知、情、志、意的心理活动的整體性消融與化合,是需要借助于氣之關聯與貫通,纔可達致內外世界的和諧統一。“氣無奇類,文乏異采”、“氣偉而采奇”說明氣乃是構建文字、語言、辞采的前提。 二、此文中讲到的刘勰“江山之助”论的思想内涵有哪些可能?他最后同意哪一种来源? 江山有抒發郁拂寥廓之氣,可直接詮释為貶謫。從根本上看,要在天、人之際達到平衡,不僅需要自然景物的陶冶,還要現實生活的感發,因此江山不等同於“山林皋壤”,而是指社会政治因素,這也是成就屈原《離騒》的更重要的內因。

April 8, 2020 · Qiran

XXVII. Style and Nature

The style and nature need to be fitted with each other, the outer and the inner realities always correspond.

March 7, 2020 · Qiran