MANAGING PEOPLE WHO PROCRASTINATE Due to procrastination, employees lose their productivities and cause companies billions of dollars lost. COMMITMENT VS. COMPLIANCE As a manager, you need to use inviting commitment rather than demands for compliance. FOCUSING ON STARTING VS. FINISHING Effective managers always have the ability to communicate with their employees. Focusing on starting is much more effective for a perfectionist. GETTING RESULTS OR GIVING CRITICISM You need to give praise instead of criticism for employees. Praise even needs to precede the recommendations for improvement. State Your Priorities Clearly Don’t change your priority too often. Be Decisive You need to be decisive and don’t change the goal during the project. When you choose one, don’t change it. Be Fair and Frequent in Your Rewards Craving to be appreciated is a deep need in human nature. LIVING WITH A PROCRASTINATOR Maybe you are living with a procrastinator, you didn’t need to put commands do them, just say I would instead of you should. A LAST WORD Go ahead! Don’t say I’ll try or it’s not working, just be open-minded and do it! ...

February 9, 2020 · Qiran


PLANNED SETBACKS You can try to plan procrastination when you meet a big project, and record your self-statement, these statements may be your old pattern. RESILIENCE AND HARDINESS Resilience Resilience is very important when you fail, every time you fail you can bounce back from it and know your performance isn’t your self-worth, but your performance is connected to your perseverance. You don’t need to be responsible for what had happened to you, but you need to be responsible for how to tackle these problems. Sarah’s experience told us that you will meet some obstacles placed by others, but you don’t need to put these pressure on yourself, you just need to set a time for yourself and see how much you can finish. ...

February 8, 2020 · Qiran


Being into the state of flow is beneficial to your mental and physical health. USING MORE OF YOUR BRAIN Using your left side of your brain is important, you need to shift into a state of flow. You need to stop your linear thought. IT’S ONLY YOUR FIRST DRAFT Creativity is important, how to get into it? You need to suspend criticism and linear thought and get into the state of flow. ...

January 18, 2020 · Qiran


When things start, we find the projects take less time than your thinking. EVEN PRODUCERS NEED A SYSTEM This system is recording your time in the period of working, record every time in your period, you will reduce your fear about your so-called threatening subject. REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY If you restrict your time of the study, you may have an aversion about it, you want to break the authority for yourself, and you will find you will increase your time of the study. So, set a rule of your working time, like “don’t work more than four hours a day”, you’ll find you want to work more. ...

November 24, 2019 · Qiran


THREE MAJOR BLOCKS fear of failure, fear of not finishing, terror of being overwhelmed, these are the three blocks to action, if you solved one of them, it will be quiker to solve all. TOOL #1: THREE-DIMENSIONAL THINKING AND THE REVERSE CALENDAR You don’t need to start with no anxiety, maybe it is impossible, if you always thinking about the right time to start, or permit yourself to learning, thinking searching helf along the project, and tell yourself you should be finished, you cannot avoid overwhelming anxiety. The Reverse Calendar Reversing the calendar gives you control of this project. ...

October 19, 2019 · Qiran


If you see your work insatiable and infinite, you fell into a negative mind. THE IMPORTANCE OF PLAY Play can make us more effective, more creative, producers have more time to play than procrastinators. We need to know that play is important, through recreation and playing we get creativity. So in order to improve efficiency we need to spend time to play. We need plan for some time to play, producers always living without stressing about don’t finish the project. ...

October 11, 2019 · Qiran


The “Have To’s”—Messages of Stress We need to change the self-talk of ‘I have to’. The “Should’s”—Messages of Depression If we always said should, we will fell into depression because the ‘should’ corporate many negative minds like I don’t agree, I don’t have a bright future, I don’t like. So change the self-dialogue and make the should image to ‘choose’, you will have freedom. THE POWER OF CHOICE The author shares his experience of jumping, he changed his mind from ‘have to’ to “I choose to exit the plane safely” and “I don’t want to be kicked out of the plane” when he jumping for the first time. ...

September 13, 2019 · Qiran

How We Procrastinate

CREATING SAFETY: THE FIRST MAJOR STEP OUT OF PROCRASTINATION Imaging that we always transform the task to a board before ourself, we can perform well if this board is on the land, but if the board is suspended between two buildings 100 feet above the pavement, then we are fearful to pass it.What’s more, we always feel a fire behind ourself. We always fell in self-criticism so we use procrastinate to put off tasks until the deadline. It’s a victim mentality that we think we have to, no we will. ...

August 28, 2019 · Qiran

Why We Procrastinate

I think the reason I always want to text with others is that maybe I want a connection with others to replace my relatives, but I should fish or cut the bait between the connection with others (the emotion relationship build by my parents) or my self-development. The story of Dorothy shows that procrastination is the choice between the self-improvement and others jealousy. I need to unlearn the pattern that my tasks are associated with the mind that I am lazy. ...

August 13, 2019 · Qiran

Notes: The Now Habit (1)

Goal: supportive of yourself The questions about yourself: Obligation. Time (vague terms such as “sometime next week” ) Goals and value. (distracted by another plan) Mood, fear. Conclusion: Our real distress comes from constant anxiety of delaying. It is important to notice the healing system. But Why we procrastinate? Because we fear a threat to our independence. The fear of judgment is the key fear that stems from over-identifying who you are. ...

March 26, 2019 · Qiran