Fear becomes easier to master when our mind is diverted from the things feared to fear itself. Unconscious and concentrate on the objects is perilous.

March 3, 2020 · Qiran

Letter 4

When human in the prayers, they always want to pretend to be honest to the god, but they don’t in their heart. they always pretend to stick with their purposes but they always forget when they fell in some trivial things and some messinesses in reality, this is evil’s work.

October 26, 2019 · Qiran

Letter 3

Evil making us misunderstanding others, always focus on build some image of others but don’t really true. If we make things trouble, we fell into illusions more we put others to meet our illusions more, then we destroyed our relationship with family, friends.

October 19, 2019 · Qiran

Letter 2

Evil making yourself always thinking about reality, always focus on small things, in reality, and you always focus on other’s flaws, you maybe don’t believe truths and gods.

October 19, 2019 · Qiran